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Ummi Paging Nasrallah

Screenshot from an SMS - I am using this for educational purposes

I was told that that is how my grandsons now look at their toothbrushes.

War Blog Post #51

By Nancy Hartevelt Kobrin, PhD

Just how rattled is Nasrallah after the beeper blast?


Zvika Klein, Editor-in-Chief of The Jerusalem Post, answers that question beautifully. He hit the nail on the head with his op-ed entitled “Freud would have a field day with Nasrallah.” Klein focused on the psychoanalytic concept of reaction formation, simply put if you protest too much, it’s a cover up for how deeply you care, how fragile and anxious you feel but deny verbally. Nasrallah boasted his way through his speech but he was clearly unhinged by the Mossad caper.


Yes the Dhimma, the subjugated Jews under Islam, the Jew who was not permitted to ride a horse nor carry a weapon back when the State of Israel was founded, is not supposed to be able to engage in such a devastating blow. Yet the dhimmi reach is indeed far and wide. According to Dr. Eyal Pinko - “The operation clearly appeared to serve as a message to Hezbollah, showcasing vulnerabilities in its security apparatus and serving as a form of deterrence. It’s saying that, ‘you’re already being penetrated.[emphasis mine] We know where you are and what you do. Now look what we can do: In one single shot, in less than a second, we can eliminate almost 3,000 terror operatives.'”


And so it was, that we spoke to them in the only language that they know, not Arabic, but rather this concrete, literal, autistic nonverbal pantomime of the exploding pager.


Due to Hezbollah’s cognitive deficits left over from failures in the maternal attachment during early childhood (perhaps some genetic issues too), they developed an unhealthy attachment to hard objects like pagers.


What is a hard autistic object?

In The Jihadi Dictionary we find that:

“ . . . Frances Tustin (1980) introduced the concept [of autistic object] which refers to psychotic children’s use of physical objects in sensation-dominated ways. These objects are usually small and hard (e.g., keys, little metallic cars). They are not used for their intended purpose. Instead they are deployed as scaffolds to stabilize the mind. According to Tustin, such objects ‘have a bizarre and ritualistic quality and the child has a rigidly intense preoccupation with them ... They may have no fantasy whatsoever associated with them, or they may be associated with extremely crude fantasies, which are very close to bodily sensations’ (p.27). A strange promiscuity in their use coexists with intense attachment to them. Their loss is felt as a loss of a body part, and therefore they are immediately replaced.”


As for the jihadis they use these objects to stabilize their fragile fused selves as well:

“Objects and their misuse take on an autistic aspect to stabilize their fragile minds. We can surmise that the physical use has a dimension of sensation-dominated experience. Jihadis bond with and fuse to their hard objects. The repetitive need to find a replacement object can be seen in beheadings and the use of improvised explosive devices (IEDs). One weapon or lethal incident is never enough. Jihadis are fused to these objects then, in a never-ending loop and replace them as they lose them through their misuse. Jihadis share similarities with autistics as they have an obsession with objects that extends to people.101 It is known that autistics have a heightened pathological bond with their mothers, which parallels that of the jihadis. Of course, not all autistics become jihadis. Yet at the far end of the spectrum, autism takes a malignant turn into annihilating the other.” The Jihadi Dictionary, p. 30.


So Mossad chose to use such an object as the pager in order to hook into the jihadi mentality to psychologically unhinge them as well as physically wound and eliminate them.


Clearly Nasrallah himself perseverated about switching from cell phones to pagers. It has been said that he switched because of security concerns. It would seem that he already felt threatened. And so he made a strategic error. The pager as autistic object turned out to be his Achilles’ heel.


Least we forget cyberspace has its unique subdiscipline of cyberpsychology. Research has been done concerning maternal attachment, anxiety and depression precipitated by the overuse or fixation on hard objects of computer technologies. Cf. The Jihadi Dictionary, p. 68.


The connection to the computer and all its dependent hard objects reveals a maternal relationship. Logging on is really plugging into momma. Think of Harlow’s monkeys and their attachment to metal grates as surrogate mothers. The pager is a mini-mother with its oceanic feeling of space, expanding the omnipotence and grandiosity of the jihadis, in this case Hezbollah. As my good friend and colleague Linda Cedarbaum pointed out that this grandiosity of Hezbollah sits on top of Israel, i.e. in the north, makes them feel like top-dog. The Jew is always to be subjugated, never equal.


The root of dhimmi means to blame. For Islam there is always already a built in mechanism for splitting and then projecting into the other for blaming purposes which cleverly purges themselves of toxic feelings of inferiority and shame. Nasrallah and his cohorts do not have the emotional nor psychological constitution to stand on their own two feet, i.e. separate from Ummi. They remain attached at the hip to their mothers.


The Seductive Sadomasochistic Allure of the Pager Incident

It has already been said that the beeper blast has gone down in the history of military warfare as one of the most brilliant attacks ever. The win is very seductive and emboldens our grandiosity and our short sighted tendency to rely on hard objects such as pagers and allegedly sophisticated fences. (I have long wondered whose uncle got the contract for that fence at Gaza.)


Our Israeli arrogance can all too easily lead us into temptation causing us to take our eye off the ball of freeing our hostages in Gaza and the other fronts. Above all, if we do not recognize our own terrors and short comings, denial will ensue again. Modesty and humility in warfare is extremely important. As Jews we are cautioned against engaging in fraudenschade, precisely because it induces a false sense of well being and it lessens our sense of humanity.



To conclude

The lack of psychological insight on Nasrallah’s part represents again another sign of the cognitive deficits that jihadi terrorist possess. They may scream and shout how brave and strong they are, when in fact they are fundamentally emasculated, beat their women and feel internally fragile. Many memes and jokes have circulated about castration that occurred due to the beeper blasts. This “emasculation” harkens back to the maternal suffocation in their shame honor culture.


But for us seeking a balance of sorts with regard to the tragedy of having to invent the beeper blast because Nasrallah has a genocidal obsession with us, we find an anchor in our culture. There’s a new children’s book out that I just bought for my 3 year old nekhed/grandson. In high contrast the title expressed the sense of joy that accompanies early childhood with its exploring, creativity and ingenuity specifically yielding an important cultural trait. The title says it all:  “I like your chutzpah!”* And Mossad and 8200 I like your chutzpah too!





 *You can buy Suzy Ultman's book here and go and savor those special moments with your kids.

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Nancy Hartevelt Kobrin, Ph.D.

Psychoanalyst Counter Terrorist Expert

Psychoanalyst Counter Terrorist Expert

The aim of this blog is to promote and advance an understanding of the relationship of early childhood to the jihadis’ violent behavior and externalized hatred. Many aspects of culture will be addressed in order to do a deep dive and a deep dig into the unconscious behavior behind all the political ideologies and the verbiage. 


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